SSH.NET "Cannot access a disposed object"

By Henri Parviainen

SSH.NET Cannot acccess a disposed object cover

Problem - Cannot access a disposed object

I recently run into this error and it took me a while to grasp why it was happening although it ended up being a really simple answer.

I was trying to access a directory on SFTP server via SSH.NET library and got the following error:

Error: "Cannot access a disposed object"

The reason why this was happening was that my code where I tried to handle the directory was out of the scope of the defined sftp client connection as you can see in the code below.

    string host = "";
    string username = "mysftpserver.admin";
    string password = "secretpassword";

    var sftpClient = new SftpClient(host, 22, username, password);

    using (var client = sftpClient)

    // Here comes the error since sftpClient connection is only
    // usable inside the using block.

    var files = sftpClient.ListDirectory("/mydir/"); // <- Error

    // ... the rest of the code ...

Solution - Keep your code in scope by getting rid of the using block

So, the solution was to just get rid of the whole 'using' block.

    string host = "";
    string username = "mysftpserver.admin";
    string password = "secretpassword";

    var sftpClient = new SftpClient(host, 22, username, password);


    // Now it works!

    var files = sftpClient.ListDirectory("/mydir/");

    // ... the rest of the code ...
