5 Awesome APIs for Your Next Project

By Henri Parviainen

Great APIs to use in projects

Here is a quick list of some of the coolest APIs that you can use in your projects.

All of these APIs are easy to use and well documented.

Enjoy! 😊

1. OpenWeatherMap API

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OpenWeatherMap API offers current weather data from all around the world.

On top of that, they also offer APIs for hourly weather forecast data for 4-days and daily weather forecasts for 16 days.

You will need to sign up for an API key.

2. Nasa APIs

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If your application is so mind-boggling it's like from another planet, then NASA APIs are for you!

NASA offers multiple APIs for all kinds of awe-inspiring space data!

These even include endpoints for Mars rover photos taken by Curiosity, Opportunity, and Spirit.

Another interesting API they offer is The Exoplanet Archive API which allows programmatic access to NASA's Exoplanet Archive database.

You will need to register for an API key, but all the APIs are free to use.

3. Yelp Fusion API

Yelp Fusion API offers data about local businesses all around the world.

Check it out here.

4. Youtube API

There is enormous potential in what you can do with Youtube API.

You can add an embedded player in your app and let users play Youtube videos straight from your app or let them search youtube content straight from your app or website.


Get access to movie information with Open Movie Database API

Their free API key gives you 1000 requests per day which are plenty for personal hobby projects.

6. Initials Avatar generator API [BONUS]

Initials Avatar generator API allows you to generate avatars in SVG format from the user's name.

You can use these avatars as a placeholder before users upload their own images.

Here is an example return for John Doe.